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Sensual Secrets: Mastering Erotic Pleasures
Ready to explore my world of passion and pleasure? You've found your intimate guide to erotic exploration. At 'Sensual Secrets' I will share some personal stories about my "affairs" online, my erotic art journey, plus expert sex tips and insights to elevate your intimate experiences, written by Deni Wom.
Your sensual bedroom
Whenever bodies unite in a kiss, in a hug or even in a simple touch, an energy exchange occurs. If the union is sexy, in a kiss or in a sexual act, the hormone-informative release that occurs, stimulates all cells in the body and makes energy transfer much more intense. Sexual intercourse is an intimate exchange of vital fluids, hormones and subtle energy.
The climax, in orgasm, is the apex in the formation of an energy bond between partners. It then creates a common cellular energy memory, an event that permanently connects both partners.
Invite this energy into your bedroom.
On your walls.
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