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How to participate in erotic art exhibitions far away from home
How I started exhibiting in erotic art exhibitions around the world

At the 'Dirty Show' with my piece 'Bounded iris', Detroit 2006

Miami, 2007, World Erotic Art Museum weam, with my winning piece 'Within Me'
Let me share with you my personal story, first.
Then, figure out what YOU can make out of it. That is, if you haven't done it already and you are an artist with a great passion to show your art to the world, not only on your screen or facebook page.
In 2001 I created my first website. It was a home for my erotic art I had no other place to show, or even sell. The internet was kinda new in my country (Israel) but I realized it was my big chance to be well known as an artist (was afraid to think of 'famous' then). I had no idea about 'How'. But I knew the 'Why'. It was the NEED.
I had to. I was drawing nudes, manipulating sexy images like crazy, every day. Using my pencils first and my digital pen later. The erotic energy was flowing inside me looking for a way out, a GOOD way. I had to share this energy with the world.
So I asked google about 'Erotic art exhibitions'. Sounds simple, right? However, I found a lot of info about exhibitions that were expired. Kept looking and found the magic term "Call for erotic art show". The results were totally different. I got a list of future exhibitions and could plan ahead, submit my art via email and wait for answers. A simple twist in the question lead to great answers.
Now, stop reading for a minute and ask yourself – am I asking the right questions about my art career?
On with my little story, shall we?
At the same day I decided to look in google for 'Erotic art exhibitions', a gallery owner from Chicago was looking for 'Erotic artists'. She found me and my new website and invited me to exhibit in her gallery! I've never even been to USA until that invitation, had no budget to travel that far but was given an opportunity. There was no option of saying 'No'. Few months later I was on a plane to New York, and after 3 weeks on another one to Chicago. The exhibition was exciting. I met people who looked at my drawings and talked to the artist in real time. This is totally different than emails…or posts on Facebook. I didn’t sell anything but who cared. My ego had grown few inches more I think and I got an appetite for more. So I looked for more ‘Call for erotic art exhibitions’ every few months and found myself travelling to USA every year to show my art in a different state.
Now if you are thinking “So you were lucky 13 years ago, the internet wasn’t such a crowded place - but how can I do it, nobody knows my art/website yet” –
think again and analyze your own words.
I got found on the internet easily but nowadays ANYONE can be found thanks to the social networks.
Nobody knows your art?
Start paying more attention to Pinterest. It’s a fast growing site with visual galleries people are visiting every day, adding images and pinning YOUR images to their page. The best viral marketing you can hope for today.
Your art, whether digital or traditional should not stay in your computer or basement. Your art should be on the walls of a gallery, once a year is a good start. Living in Israel makes it a bit difficult for me to participate in more exhibitions but if you’re living somewhere in America – all you have to do is find that state and fly there with your art. It’s a must for every artist to meet his audience, I say.
That’s it for now. I hope you can make something out of my personal story. If you’re interested, you may find my erotic art on my website and on Facebook, Pinterest, Google+. Look for “Samarel Erotic Art”.
Thanks for reading ~
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